Price Matching and Price Discrepancy

Why might there be a price difference between Lyst and the retailer?
Occasional product errors, such as price discrepancies, may occur due to the extensive volume of items on Lyst. While these are extremely rare, they can happen.

Does Lyst offer price matching if there is a difference?
No, Lyst does not offer price matching. However, If you encounter a price difference, please follow the steps below:

  • Check the retailer's Help Centre for their specific price match policy.
  • Contact the retailer's team directly (find the retailer's name on the Lyst item page).

How can I report a pricing discrepancy to Lyst Customer Care?
If you believe there's been a pricing discrepancy or a delay in a price being updated:

  • Get in touch with our Customer Care team via 
  • Include the link to the item in your message for a quicker resolution.
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