How do Lyst promotional discount codes work?
Lyst runs promotional discount codes - these may be specific to Lyst or be promotions on behalf of partner retailers. Each code has it’s individual terms and conditions and expiration date and they often apply to specific items. Please check these T&C's to ensure they're valid for the order you're placing.
How can I claim a Lyst promo code discount?
Enter the promo code during the checkout process on Lyst's integrated checkout or the specific retailer's checkout page if redirected. There will be a box titled 'Promotions/Discounts' for this to be entered.
Can Lyst promo codes be combined with other offers?
Lyst promo codes cannot be combined with other offers. Please review the Terms and Conditions here for more details.
How do I apply a promo code during checkout?
To apply a promo code during checkout just click "Buy now" and enter the promotional code in the promo box at the bottom left and click "Apply".
What should I do if the promotion doesn't apply?
If the promotion doesn't apply:
- Please review the code's Terms and Conditions before reaching out to our team.
- If issues persist, contact our Customer Care team at and include a screenshot of any errors along with the Lyst item link.
How do retailer promotions work on Lyst?
Retailer promotions are visible on our site, displaying the discounted price. Upon proceeding to purchase, you will be redirected to the retailer's page where the sale price is reflected. Please check the respective retailer's Terms and Conditions for additional information.
What if I have issues with a promo code on a partner's website?
If you encounter issues with a promo code on a partner's website, please reach out to their Customer Care team directly for assistance.