Why couldn't my order be successfully placed with the retailer? Your order might have failed due to various reasons:
- The item is now out of stock - see more information here
- Payment rejection - see more information here
- Changes in item price or shipping amount.
- Issues with a promo code.
- The address couldn't be accepted by the retailer.
What happens next? Your order will be automatically canceled, and you will not be charged. Any pending charge will be cleared from your account within 5-7 business days.
What if the pending charge persists? If the pending charge hasn't been cleared after this time, please contact Lyst Customer Care via customercare@ly.st
Can I re-order the item? In most cases, you can re-order the item if it is still in stock with the retailer. Follow these instructions:
- Ensure billing address matches the card's registered address.
- Check the CVC/CCV number for accuracy.
- Verify all personal details are correct.
- Check the validity of start and/or expiry dates, ensuring they match your card.