How are prices displayed on Lyst?
Prices on Lyst are shown in your local currency based on the domain you are browsing. It's important to note that these prices are converted using FX rates and may slightly differ from the retailer's prices. The currency itself may also vary on the retailer's site. Please ensure you're using the our site through the relevant domain for your location.
Where can I find the displayed currency on the page?
The displayed currency is located in the top right corner of our page. Please ensure you have selected your delivery country from the provided list to view accurate pricing.
Which currencies does Lyst currently support on the App?
The currencies supported on the Lyst App include:
- AUD - A$
- CAD - C$
- CHF - Fr
- DKK - kr
- EUR - €
- GBP - £
- HKD - HK$
- JPY - ¥
- NOK - kr
- RUB - руб
- SGD - S$
- USD - $
What happens if my currency is not displayed on the App?
If your currency is not displayed on the App, it will be automatically defaulted to USD (U.S. Dollar) which could incur inaccurate pricing/charges if not correct. Please ensure you select your country to view accurate pricing in the local currency.